FLIGHT ATTENDANT:Flight attendant - Wikipedia

flight attendant   cúng ông táo về trời A flight attendant, also known as a steward MASC or stewardess FEM, or air host MASC or hostess FEM, is a member of the aircrew aboard commercial flights, many business jets and some government aircraft. 12 Collectively called cabin crew, flight attendants are primarily responsible for passenger safety and comfort

màn hình rời Flight attendant hay còn được gọi là cabin crew hoặc steward/stewardess là những nhân viên phục vụ trên máy bay, chịu trách nhiệm đảm bảo an toàn và sự thoải mái của hành khách trong suốt chuyến bay

màu ghi Flight attendants work for private and commercial airline companies to keep passengers safe and comfortable. They help passengers get seated, demonstrate how to use the plane's safety equipment, including seat belts, and provide snacks, beverages and other services

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